took off my skirts and socks...
and start BLOGGING.=)
going to tell about the mistake i did last week.
it was a big mistake
STUPID ENOUGH mistake!!!
here comes the Granny's story....
the stupid FuiSin knew the hotel was fully booked on 26/06-28/06..
she still selling rooms for guests!!!!!!
what's in her mind that time?
she had no idea about it.
she really saw there are empty rooms to sell on..
she continued to sell..
the problem is there was no room available and password is needed to access to the system if we still want to sell the room..
Yeah....she can access the system and sell the room freely without password!!!!!
at last,
Being scolded lorr~~~~XD
cried and couldn't sleep for the night.
but its okay actually..
at least,
i learnt.
Working in a hotel is tiring,
but fun too..
got the chances to meet different attitudes
"Weird Stuff"..
when u saw something weird in CCTV,
your working life in hotel will be more interesting^^
trust me.....HAHA.
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