hmm...im finally 22!!!!
This man..though a bit stupid, but still touched seeing him doing all those crazy thing to fullfil my crazy demand.
here come the four "38" ladies^^
the social networking--Facebook!!!
They treat me dinner at Houz Cafe.
we were DAMN FULLL that night XD
Blurr picture..cause of the lousy camera??( Su Ling, i told you that SE AINO is not good liao lorr~~~)
Should i shout out : yeahoo~~!!!! ?
I'm getting older!
Finally i got a bit energy to blog about my day..^^
Let me show off to ya' how my day brights me up=)

Poor him=p
he made a video and blew the candle and make wishes for me..(how dare him!!)^^❤
he did changed a lot, if u knew him..he never do such thing in his life before.
I'm proud of myself❤❤HOHOHOHO XD
thanks to my babe, i love you!!!

they skype me before my birthday and sang for me❤❤(special,huh???)^^
kept on laughing when hearing them singing and arranging the singing turn..
touched a lot at the same time=)
Cute XD

this is an email greeting card from Lee Mo Yu❤
she was not around on my birthday, hence she sent me this but i just open my mail when she saw me did not notice about this card^^
sorry..but it's nice, the nice part is you still remember and you write to me!!!!!!❤
what you wrote means a lot to me, thanks=)

thanks to Facebook for letting my friends to give wishes to me...LOL!!!!
i replied every wishes with thankful heart^^
Look nice, huh???=p
I warned Su Ling & Shi Yong not to buy any cake as im not going to finish it at home..
My birthday cakes always will end their life in the dustbin without touching it..haha.

i gave myself a plate of spaghetti, but at the end i did not finish it, cause it was not that nice.

By the way, thank you,girls!!!
went out for dinner with 3 liang moi...XD
Love what written there....❤❤❤
but very small on me..cos i have a wide shoulder>.<
P/s: you there, no need diet laa~~~you really thin now, telling the truth..=)
thanks to Siew Yun too❤

thanks for the sandal, i got new sandal for next sem^^yeah XD
stay sweet with him yaa^^and im waiting for your good news❤
again...i look more FATTTT with her beside..hoh=(
Great to know everyone of you^^
wow~ your zi pai so leng loi~~ look nice oh...有爱情的滋润就是不一样~