yuhuu~~~~finally i uploaded these pictures successfully..been trying for days..wondering what happen to my blog.
Comes the story****
Very happy that could take part in organising the dinner night^^though it was a tiring and stressful job.
Making the door gifts was one of the toughest part..need to prepare 150 door gifts--all door gifts were hand made(including the packings..all fully hand made)
when seeing every guest holding the door gift..somewhere in my heart feels a bit proud^^hehe
need to thank everyone that helping in finishing the door gifts..the persons that teaching me how to do the Tourism Tag-Jolene & Shakila.
The person in preparing the packaging-Mei Ching
The outsiders that very helpful-Stephanie Lau & Lee Mo Yu(love both of you Very MucH..)
and of course to every of protocol team members^^
im proud of the dinner night~~damn proud! evryone of us really did put efforts in making the night to be a success. Mei Ching was stress during the preparation-cause she's the leader of protocol. The night's luck was in her hand..but baby~~dont worry, u did a great job^^

the next thing that i glad about is the relationship between all of us have become closer after the night...realised many potential 38 members among Tourism Club^^
in this picture:all girls team..except Richard.

in this picture: 1st year with all seniors.
wanna add something~~dissappointed in one thing..all the protocol team should put on their hair band that night, but it seems like only Catherine and me very "dengar cakap"..the other protocol members.......where was your hair band that night??????
Last word--------xoxo